How to Increase your Christmas season store sales by an incredible 60% during the first 23 days of December 2021!
Interested? Then read on to find out just how we are going to help you achieve that.
From: Season Import
Re: FREE Christmas Gift Package
Dear brick-n-mortar shop owner,
If you want to jump your store sales by another 60% in the first 23 days of December every year, realize a 3x profit margin on every sale by selling items that people LOVE buying during the holiday season, then this is the most important letter you’ll ever read.
Here’s why…
Economists predicted that 2021 alone is going to see an incredible surge in post-pandemic spending (aka. “pent-up demand” ) during Christmas time, creating a situation that could hugely benefit smart retailers like you who will want to be ready when the rush begins!
We know, for sure, that the first 20-23 days of December is a window of opportunity that is short but vital to retail business, and knowing what and when to stock is the key to success!
Here's how we do it
I’m Marco from Season Import, and my team helps small retailers to jump up store sales during the holiday season by selling the right stuff at the right time.
You don’t have to trust what I say, but you could certainly take a look at the marketplace and see what and when people are buying during the holiday season. Actually, we’ve already done all the research you’ll ever need:
There are over 1 million people searching for “Christmas cards” on Amazon during December. The search volume starts to pick up in November with almost 500,000 searches.
Wanna see something more crazy?
Here’s the number of online searches for ‘Christmas ornaments’. People start looking in November and continue the trend into December. The total number of searches during the 2-month period is over 2 million!
How many people are looking for Christmas stockings?
This list goes on and on…
Are you carrying these things that buyers are looking for?
If not, then you’re leaving a lot on the table. Because the demand is there, the market is there. That means, if they walk into your store and don’t see these things, they will buy them from somewhere else, like Amazon.
Every year, we support many Christmas market retailers by supplying them with our hand-picked Christmas items at factory wholesale prices; so we, more than other wholesalers, are in the business of knowing exactly what sells during the holiday season. Period.
In order for retailers to actually see and experience the unique, hand-picked items we have on offer, we’ll be handing out FREE sample gift baskets to 50 selected store owners. All you need to do is fill out this application form, and we’ll notify you if you’ve been selected to receive one of our FREE Christmas Sample Gift Baskets.